Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Hale House worker on finding out she is in a new Giuliani campaign ad:
    "I know he's running for President, but I don't want to be involved," said child-care worker Marisol Molina, 44, when shown her image in the ad, titled "Leadership," which Giuliani's campaign debuted last week. The ad appears at the bottom of this page.

    "They should have let us know first," added Molina, who has spent nearly six years at the fabled Harlem home for children of jailed or drug-addicted moms.

    "I don't want to be in that - no, uh-uh," Molina said firmly.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


What happens to Rudy's hypothetical matchup numbers when he fails to win Iowa and New Hampshire?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Bernie Kerik Indicted

Giuliani will never be President.

Tough Love Man

Just what we need, another boy king as President who can fill his administration with slavering sycophants.
    You hate him or you love him,” one says. “You love him or he hates you,” counters another.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The cellphone

I was out of town, but of course had to post this...

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Osama bin Laden

According to Chris Matthews, he's a Giuliani booster.

And just for old time's sake...

The Real Rudy

Watch the video.

(this blog is not related to the above website in any way but name)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Florida Firewall

Frankly, I'm not sure they need to worry about it. It says a lot about the current crop of Rethug candidates that Giuliani is the frontrunner and Romney's a strong second.

And...yes...I might as well admit, I think Democrats should be happy as clams at the possibility of having Rudy Giuliani to kick around in a presidential campaign. As irksome as Romney is, I think he's a far more skilled candidate and would do a much better job managing a general election campaign.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Media Team

Rudy will know where to turn when he gets in trouble.
    Republican presidential contender Rudy Giuliani has a new team of media consultants with a strong record of electing GOP candidates, sometimes using controversial ads.

    The team is led by Heath Thompson and his Dallas-based firm, Scott Howell & Company. Thompson, as director of President Bush's 2000 campaign in South Carolina, helped Bush to an 11-point victory in that state.

    Last year, a commercial made by Thompson's firm for Tennessee's U.S. Senate race was criticized for what the NAACP and others said were racial overtones.

    Run by the Republican National Committee against Democrat Harold Ford, who is black, the ad showed a white woman saying she had met Ford at a Playboy-sponsored party. As the ad ended, the woman, her shoulders bared, whispered into the camera, "Harold, call me."

Monday, August 20, 2007

Hannity <3 Rudy

Sean "not a journalist" Hannity hosted a fundraiser for the G-man earlier this month. Setting aside any of the supposed journalistic impropriety, it's just more evidence of the sort of people Rudy wants to appeal to for support in the primary.